Balance, moderation, and acupuncture

The beginning of spring, budding trees, nesting birds, pollen in the wind, upcoming eclipses, and new beginnings. Energetically, spring is far from moderate, things happen quickly and often to excess. And for those of us in the midst of it, these energetics can stir us up, get us irritated, and push our boundaries of good sense as well. 

From a traditional medicine perspective, maintaining our own balance through moderation and awareness of what is going on around us will keep us healthy and mostly happy and prepare us for this season and the next to come. Ignore the cues of nature and live excessively and late spring and the coming summer may not be as pleasant for you. So, take a few steps to keep yourself in your best shape for the upcoming days by nurturing your own germination and growth. 

For clothing there is a saying of the ancients – “muffling the body in spring and freezing the body in autumn.” Temperatures can go from warm and balmy to windy and cold and back again in spring, therefore, it’s important to protect the body from attack by both wind and cold. Don’t be too quick to put away your jackets and hats, keep covered on windy days, and be sure to wear enough clothing that you feel warm. This will protect you from catching wind-cold and prepare you for the upcoming summer. 

Spring is the time of the wood element which is composed of the liver and gall bladder organ systems. The liver rules the movement of qi and blood in the body and wants to be free-flowing in general, and especially in spring. When constrained, the liver moves us to anger and depression which can lead to dizziness, headache, excitement, fatigue, lassitude, and even thoracic distention and pain. So, it is good to keep your mind at ease, remain broad-minded and optimistic, and not spend too much time alone and withdrawn. Keep from impetuous behavior, anger, and fury — these easily injure the liver.

Take walks in the country, appreciate the flowers and scenery, get out in the sun, and if you have it in you, sing and dance as well. Look for enchantment in nature and let it ease your mind. When eating, move more toward spicy and sweet foods and decrease sour food. Watch the intake of substances that can injure the liver like alcohol and other drugs. Increase your exercise from what you were doing in the winter, but keep it moderate, saving maximum exertion for summer. Gentle, peaceful movement can settle the mind and move the qi and blood promoting health without over taxing yourself. Walking, hiking, biking, tai chi, qi gong, and yoga are all great spring activities. Additionally the change of the seasons is the perfect time to reboot your nervous system with a relaxing, qi moving acupuncture tune up.