As bodies move through life, tension develops. Long hours at a desk or in a car, past injuries, postural habits, and even the way we think about things can lead to tension in our bodies. This tension can cause a lack of flow of energy, blood, and fluids, and pain can arise in the tense area or in an area nearby.
We can suffer from a tight neck and shoulders or a tension headache. We can feel pain throughout the day or our sleep can be disrupted at night. Long-standing tension in certain areas of our bodies like our back, hips, and core can lead to a change in our gait, how we move about the world, how we do activities throughout the day. Taken to its furthest extent, tension in our bodies can lead to dysfunction in our movement, the functioning of our organ systems, and our ability to think and respond clearly to the day.
We all get tension, it is a process of being. However, this tension can (and should) be released so that we can feel, function, and flow properly throughout our lives. Releasing tension can happen in many different ways, the key is for us to get into a practice of scanning our bodies for tension and releasing it as it builds up, not waiting for it to cripple us before we address it. Amazingly, this also will affect our mood — and addressing tension will lighten depression, decrease anxiety, and promote healthy body functioning.
There are two articles that help to address the question of what tension is and how we can release it. For a deep dive into how tension actually develops, I like the Somatic Movement Center’s article Unlocking your Body: Your Personal Process of Releasing Tension and Pain. But I want to go over a few of the tips presented in The Conflict Center’s article 10 ways you can release tension in 15 minutes or less. In it they make these 10 suggestions (go to the article for a more in-depth explanation):
- Go for a walk
- Full body tension and release (tense and release)
- Say it out loud (my neck and shoulders are tight)
- Laugh
- Write it out
- Carry a fidget toy
- Drink less caffeine
- Listen to music
- Scream into a pillow
- Deep breaths
To this I would like to add that finding the causes of our tension and looking to change them is helpful as well. A bad posture at work can be addressed with a more ergonomic desk space. Bad furniture (and beds) can be replaced and poor postural habits can be improved. Stressful jobs can be left, self-care can become a priority, gratitude and meditation can become part of your daily practice.
You can get regular acupuncture and massage, incorporate yoga, tai chi, qi gong, nature walks, and meditation into your daily life. You can address deep physical issues with physical therapy, deep tissue massage, neuromuscular work, myofascial release, Trager work, psychotherapy, and a host of other solutions. In a popular understanding of tension, it causes discomfort, and we don’t like to be uncomfortable so — get rid of tension and feel better. But in a deeper sense, tension that doesn’t get released leads to dysfunction, and dysfunction carries a deeper sense of suffering than just localized pain. Our bodies and minds can stop working properly. That’s a bigger issue.
So, I suggest increasing your awareness of how, when, and where you get and hold tension. Finding ways to deal with it when it crops up first, before it settles in. Diving into ways to deal with long-standing tension, and utilizing how you feel in your body as a compass and guide to let you know what is and is not going right for you at this moment. Hopefully this will help you move towards a happier and healthier life.
Yes, acupuncture decreases stress and tension. Sign up for an acupuncture appointment by visiting the Acupuncture Schedule.